Wednesday 27 April 2011

Malasnye la.....

Malas sguh la rasanye nk update blog ni..aku ni bknnye rajin sgt..sja2 gatai tgn try wt blog ni je pun. ni pun tima kasih byk la kt adik aku yg sorg tu..rajin bebenor m'designkn blog aku ni smpai cntik..nk arap aku, lmbt lg la jwbnye....
Klu time2 dok jd bdk 'U' dlu, rajin la jg dok ngadap memende cm gini..Tp, bla dh stat keje, dr single dh b'dua, dr b'dua smpai dh b'tiga ni, rs dh makin mls la nk ngadap mende2 la, masa dlu single bykla yg aku dok gatai tgn m'nerai mende2 ni, sbb aku boring!!! dok dlm pntang la ktkan...
Org dlm pntang rest s'ckp2nya...yg aku asik sgt dok ngadap fb x abih2.pntng moden, besalah...bla sakit, mulalah x sdp duduk!!!! huhu...zmn la ni kn zmn IT..x sah klu jari2 ni x tkan keyboard laptop.hahaha!!!!
Rasanye, smpai cni dlu la coretn utk ari ni, babyku si Aleesya ni, x mo tdo plak lg...huhu..c u then

Sunday 24 April 2011

Aleesya Belajar Meniarap

Aleesya dh pndai meniarap ke syg????
Baru 23 hari ...kuat btol muscle ank ibu ni!!!

Friday 22 April 2011

NUR ALEESYA FARIHA - 3 weeks old

Birthday: April 1, 2011 

April 22 


The jerky movements of your baby's first few weeks are smoothing out into more graceful gestures — and you're probably seeing better head control.

Head control

At birth, your baby has little control over his head because his neck muscles are fairly weak. He'll develop this crucial skill, which is the foundation for all later movement — such as sitting up and walking — little by little during the first six months of life.

When it develops

Your baby will probably be able to lift his head when he's about a month old, and hold it up when placed in a sitting position at around 4 months. His neck muscles and head control should be strong and steady by age 6 months.

Thursday 21 April 2011

My Sweet Little Princess...Nur Aleesya Fariha

My sweetheart Aleesya...
Today, 21st Apr 2011...u r already 21 days n about 4.9 kg weight...
U r growing so fast my little princess..ibu n abah really happy with ur appearance.
We really luv u so much sayang.....
Thank You Allah 4 all of this...Thanks 4 giving us such a cute, sweet n beautiful Nur Aleesya Fariha....
Today, Aleesya likes to smile when she was seeing someone in front of her...
I like 2 c her smile very much.
Ibu also likes 2 c Aleesya 'kodek2' n 'merengek2' when Aleesya really 1 2 drink..mmmmuuuaaah my little girl..
Hope Allah will bless u 4 eva, Aleesya....
Hope u always be fine Aleesya...